Friday, February 6, 2009

Have a Healthy, Happy Heart by John Tesh

Happy Heart Day soon! I just heard another piece of info from that very informative radio show by John Tesh, "Intelligence for Your Life."

He says that studies show that your cardiovascular health is directly related to:

--flossing everyday (the enzyme that fights plaque on your teeth is hard on your heart--Who knew?)

--walking at least 30 minutes everyday

--sleeping at least 7 hours everyday

--maintaining your finances since an out of control budget brings lots of stress

--I may have missed the directive on diet but we all know that a healthy low-fat, low-sodium, high-fiber diet is essential to a healthy heart

So there you have it. We all better floss, walk, sleep, spend, and eat wisely! I know you guys probably do all these things, but since Evan and I just had our physicals we're all pumped up to improve our health every way that we can!

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