Saturday, March 28, 2009

Friday Forum and Max--A Good Example!

I had to speak at the Friday Forum at UT Tyler yesterday. It's a program where students in Tyler (from the LDSSA group) get together for lunch every Friday and have a speaker too. Evan spoke last week on "Good, Better and Best Choices" in our lives and it was very good. He used grocery products to get his point across so it was very visual too.

I spoke on my "Life Lessons Learned" (the general topic is "What I've Learned")and I used several object lessons and President Hinckley's list of B's from his book,Way to Be, like Be Positive or Be Still or Be Involved to relate my ideas.

Anyway, I used "Max" stories twice! I love the story of Max putting together his puzzle and losing a piece, then saying a little prayer to find that piece. Then lo and behold, he finds the piece under the couch! What a faith-building experience for a child! That was a great example for asking for and receiving answers, to "Be Prayerful."

Then I used the story where Chris and Sarah and family come to Tyler to escape Hurricane Ike and Max walks in the house, we sit down on the couch and immediately Max says "Thank you for the bunk beds!" right out of the blue! We were so shocked but later realized that he had walked past Chris's room where the beds used to be and noticed that they were not there and then remembered that the beds were now in his room. And then I noted that when Max stayed with us, I might ask him if he wanted something and he would say "No, but thank you for asking!" What 2-year old does that? It's truly a mark of good modeling and parenting to raise such a polite little boy. Again, a great example to all of us for President Hinckley's advice to "Be Grateful."

I wanted to show you a cute family picture from our walk to see the turtles (who were on vacation, I think) and some beautiful Tyler Dogwoods and azaleas. Don't you just love this time of year when everything is in bloom? (Even in Vegas there are blooming trees somewhere--right, Katie?)

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