Sunday, March 1, 2009

A "Real Cute" Picture of Cooper?

Once again, we loved watching Max and Cooper while Chris and Sarah went to Utah for Sarah's cousin, Annie's wedding. We had a great time going on walks while Max rode his big wheels,riding the four-wheeler, feeding the horses next door, visiting Grandma Roma, making valentine cookies and cards, and just having fun playing together.

Max loved rummaging around in Chris' closet for new toys and one day he came up with the above picture and said, "Look Nana! I found a picture of Cooper!" "He's real cute!" I had to tell Max that the picture was one of his daddy when he was a little baby, just like Cooper.

Max replied, once again, "He's real cute!"

Another time, we were feeding the white horse next door carrots and we could feel the horse's hot breath on us as we tried to give him the carrots without getting our hands in the horse's mouth. We kept laughing as we continually dropped the carrot because the horse was so anxious for it that we were worried that he might bite our fingers. Max later told his parents that "we gave the horse carrots and the horse smelled me and then I smelled the horse!"

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